:: Missing brothers ::

Wooden companions with whispering voices
Feeded with harmony, melting our hearts
Vanishing moments, clustered memories
No more remains at the turn of the tide

But I celebrate
I celebrate
I celebrate
Your life

Pleasure was your bride, pain was the price
All in the dark trade you liked to sign
Bright supernovas with heavy weight dresses
Consuming your life's fire on the crest of the wave

But I celebrate
I celebrate
I celebrate
Your life

You had to chose it you had to taste it
Selling your freedom to get what you wanted
But you couldn't came back across the blind alley
When it was too late to know you lose

But I celebrate
I celebrate
I celebrate
Your life

Nothing was better than living your dream
Dead came to free you from hunger and grief
Bye for now my old friends, missing water brothers
You'll always get a place in my heart

But I celebrate
I celebrate
I celebrate
Your life

Letra y Música :: Chus Santisteban
Licencia: Creative Commons 2.5 :: Reconocimento :: NoComercial :: SinObraDerivada

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